This section lists the articles per football . The exact same order of the NCAA football rulebook is used. Ruletool provides the following features:
- Click the references to other articles. This improves the browsing through the rulebook.
- Start the video which (usually) demonstrates the foul.
- Point your mouse over a bold word. You’ll see the official definition of this word (as usually included in rulebook chapter 2)
- Click the orange penalty button. You see the official penalty statement, but this allows you to learn the penalties yourself
- Click A.R. to check the corresponding Approved Rulings
- Click ‘Info’ to see useful further information related to a rule
- Click the rule article to see all videos and the official (referee) signals related to a penalty
- To discuss rules (for example) on social media, mouseover the rule article number and click
to copy a link to the rule article to your computer’s clipboard.
to copy the full article text to your computer’s clipboard.
Feel free to also study the rules per topic (e.g. football play situation)